Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The first post!!

Ahhh, I'm so excited about this new blog! It is better than Xanga in each and every way. And it's free. So freakin cool. (I thought I'd post a photo just for the heck of it. No real reason, just because I can!)

So what's new today? Well, gas is up. Holy cow. (Thanks to Jen for sending out the bichon bat signal to alert me to fill up this morning!) How will my life be changing in response to the rising cost of oil?
  • I'll be walking to work every day, heels or no heels, 90 degree weather notwithstanding. McGraw-Hill, get ready for one blister-heeled, sweat-soaked TWE manager.
  • No more long drives to clear my head. Maybe this is all for the best, if it means I won't have to worry about showing up in the campus police blotter again. (okay, so that happened 3 summers was still pretty freakin embarrassing...)
  • I'll finally call American Electric Power and get hooked up, saying goodbye to all of my gasoline-powered appliances.
  • No more using oil barrels as end tables. Those things are just too darned expensive.
  • I'll start watering my lawn with water, rather than gasoline. And it was so good for my garden, too. Oh well.
  • I'll stop leaving the lawnmower running all night long, for "white noise" to help me sleep.

Who am I kidding...I don't even have a lawn, let alone a lawnmower. And since Jen's worst fear is having a stinky cubemate, I guess walking to work isn't an option, either. I guess I'll just suck it up and fork out the big bucks. Maybe they'll start making cars that run on a plentiful, renewable cynicism or dandelions.


Josh said...

Erin!!!!!!!! I am so glad you are on blogspot!! I love the look, the feel. It's clean, fun and YOU! I miss you so much and I long to make a road trip. Blessings to you!!!

Shannon said...

i like pink.