Monday, April 24, 2006

Sad news

If you're a pray-er, I'd appreciate prayers for my friends Kelly and Erik Steffen. I know Kelly from years ago in college (she was somewhat of a mentor to me, as well as a good friend), and her husband Erik has cancer.

He was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor a little over a year ago, and they have had ups and downs since then, but he's recently taken a very serious turn for the worse.

You can read their updates page for more information. This is really heartbreaking. They are both young (mid-thirties) and have two young children. We've all been praying for a miracle, but at this point I'm praying that God will prepare Kelly for whatever happens.

She's an amazing woman who has suffered a lot of loss in her life (she's lost her father, she lost her (young) sister right before her wedding, just to name a few). I believe that God can and does use suffering to draw us closer to him and to demonstrate his goodness (funny timing, right after my own reflection on the topic of suffering). Pray that they will draw near to Him and receive His comfort during this very difficult time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing Erin, prayer amongst believers is truly the strongest and most powerful bond we have with one another. Kelly and Erik will be in my prayers, that they find peace and that God's will be done in their lives and the lives of their two dear children.