Friday, May 05, 2006

Randomness... my favorite. Well, sometimes. It's fun in the right context.

Anyway. Here's a numbered list of my random thoughts on a Friday afternoon on a beautiful spring day, while stuck inside a stuffy office building.
  1. Chemistry bores me. What the heck is "molar mass," anyway? Is that when you weigh your back teeth?
  2. Do you ever notice how a group of people can work together in the same place, go to the same meetings, fill similar roles in a department, and still somehow, each one manages to interpret the company dress code in his or her own unique way? (This is not a dig on anyone in particular, nor am I implying anything particularly special about my work wardrobe...but honestly, there are those moments when I'm walking down the hall and find myself pausing to think...."Hmm. Now that was a very interesting choice.")
  3. Given that we are in the business of publishing, one would think that the shelves in our cubicles would be stronger. I once had a shelf collapse under the weight of some books and stacks of papers. I mean, honestly. What else am I supposed to use that shelf for?
  4. Dangit--this was supposed to be a list of random thoughts, but so far they're all work-related. I suppose that's what you get. You're reading the blog of a linear thinker.
  5. I am a slight hypochondriac. My leg has been hurting for the past couple of days. I hope it doesn't fall off.
  6. If I had a dog, I don't think I would make him wear sunglasses. Or clothes. Especially if he made it clear that he didn't like them. But that's just me.
  7. When I was in 4th grade, I played Witch #3 in Macbeth. My mom "made" me a costume out of black garbage bags--she told me it would look cooler and spookier than a regular costume, but I think it was more because she couldn't afford to make or buy me anything else. I was on board with the idea until I got to school and realized immediately that my classmates didn't share my mom's idea of "cool." I think that might have been the moment that my childlike, rock-solid confidence in my mother's judgment began to waver.
  8. Know what made me think of thought #7? I just passed a girl in the hallway who was wearing a very (very) shiny skirt. About as shiny as my garbage-bag costume. See thought #2.
  9. You know you've reached a key level of comfort and security with your friends when you'll wear a Teletubby head out in public with them. (This happened yesterday. I have some pictures at home--I'll post them later)
  10. You know your friends have reached that same level of comfort with you when they aren't embarrassed to be seen with you while you're wearing the Teletubby head. Yesterday I learned which of my work friends fall into this category and which ones don't. :)
  11. One valuable thing I have learned since I started working here is that there are celebrity look-alikes all around you, at all times, it just takes a trained eye to spot them. I had a stop-you-in-your-tracks moment this afternoon. I almost asked "Rachel Dratch" for her autograph, no joke.
  12. Diet Pepsi honestly tastes better to me than regular Pepsi. Who'd-a thought?
  13. I spent months and months coveting an iPod. Now that I have one, it's hard to recall what the big deal was. I mean, I enjoy it (especially for running), but it's not as magical as I'd anticipated. It's funny how that happens with the things you think you can't live without.

Okay, enough. I'm out of thoughts.

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