Thursday, December 22, 2005

Deep breath

Only 3 more days until Christmas! I'm feeling tired/excited/anxious all at the same time. It's been a long (though productive) week, and I am ready to relax with the husband tomorrow night before the family craziness commences.

Had a slightly stressful conversation with the maternal unit today. I know Christmas is hard for her (and it was evident on the phone), but I really did not have the emotional energy to deal with it tonight. I started feeling all guilty/responsible/can't-say-no (as usual), but Craig helped me draw the line I was having trouble drawing myself. And I feel a lot better about it now.

As of today, Brian is coming down with them and I'm super excited about that. Can it be possible that I haven't seen my brother since my wedding? 2 1/2 years? God, it sounds absurd, but I think that might be right. I really hope he doesn't bail at the last minute like he did last year. Scott is in California having a fabulous time, but I'll miss not seeing him. I can't wait to do the Santa thing with Gracie again :) (Christmas is so much more fun with little kids around!)

Just one more day of work...If I can get through two chapters and a handful of small loose ends to tie up before 2:00, I'll be home free for 4 days--yay!! This week has been extremely exhausting (12 chapters in 4 days--a new record for me--in addition to having one of those Carla conversations that knocked the wind out of me) and I am ready for this break :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Good job surviving! I almost fell asleep on the drive home. It's a good thing for the holiday, because I don't think my brain could take another minute.

Have a merry one! Love you!