Friday, January 13, 2006

50 Random Things

I'm going to steal Shannon's idea. Although I don't think I can come up with 100 things, so here's my list.

50 Random Things About Me

  1. I have a hard time sleeping if the room isn't pitch dark. I even cover up the numbers on my clock so the light doesn't bother me.
  2. I have a hard time thinking randomly. I've already been sitting here for almost a full minute. My brain is very linear.
  3. I have a Sara Groves song stuck in my head. It's one of my new favorites, but I don't even have the CD--I constantly listen to it on some random guy's iTunes list at work.
  4. I don't consider myself to be materialistic, but I've been coveting an iPod for several months. I mean, I really really want one. It's kind of sad.
  5. If my house were on fire and I could only grab one thing, it would probably be my journal (or maybe my box of old, filled-up journals). I feel like the answer should be "my Bible," but I figure I could always buy another one of those. Is that wrong?
  6. When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to go to college and become an actuary. But then I took calculus in college and math was forever ruined for me. I guess I've always been an English nerd at heart, anyway.
  7. As soon as I knew how to write, I started writing stories.
  8. It's been a long time since I've written one, though.
  9. I, too, loved my college roommates.
  10. Well, 5 out of 7 of them, anyway. The other 2 were "randoms." One was a horrendous disaster, the other was okay. The rest were awesome.
  11. I, too, am allergic to codeine.
  12. I found out in college after having my wisdom teeth out. I took some Tylenol 3 and had to go to the emergency room because I couldn't breathe. It was the ghetto Wood County Hospital, though, and we sat in the (deserted) waiting room for over 2 hours. By the time I saw the doctor, I felt fine.
  13. I still think I could have died in that waiting room.
  14. I have had many "best" friends over the years, and have fallen out of (consistent) touch with all but the most recent one. One is teaching high school in England now.
  15. We started growing apart before she moved away, though. Things changed, and I still feel sad when I think of her. I miss her friendship a lot.
  16. She was my first non-random college roommate. She's the one who drove me to the emergency room after the codeine reaction.
  17. It has taken me 20 minutes to think of these 17 things.
  18. I grew up with brothers and always wanted a sister. I finally got my sister when I was 19. I feel more like her aunt than her sister, though.
  19. My favorite ice cream is Breyers mint chocolate chip. Although peach is a close second (and is in my freezer right now!).
  20. Growing up, I knew a lot of kids who had nieces and nephews because their siblings were much older than them. I was the oldest kid in my family and always wanted nieces and nephews.
  21. I now have 2 nieces and 3 nephews by marriage. I like being 'Aunt Erin.' :)
  22. I like salty snacks more than sweets. I'd take a cheeseburger over chocolate any day.
  23. Like both of my parents, I was born in Ann Arbor and raised a Wolverine fan. I learned to sing "Hail to the Victors" as a small child. My grandma got U of M season tickets for years. My family bleeds maize and blue.
  24. However, I was never interested in football until I met Craig and started watching it with him. As a Buckeyes fan, he watched OSU play every Saturday. It was in this context that I began to understand and love football.
  25. I am now a Buckeyes fan. My brother calls me a traitor to my family. I like to call them and play "Fight the Team" on their answering machines every time Ohio State beats Michigan.
  26. I'm home sick today with a horrible cold I caught from my husband. I've been sleeping all morning and thought this would be a good, non-boring activity to get my brain stimulated.
  27. I took a personality test over the summer and learned that I am a literalist. Because of this, I often take things too seriously, don't "get" jokes, and see everything as black or white.
  28. This often drives Craig crazy. He brings the shades of gray into our marriage and helps me lighten up.
  29. We're good for each other.
  30. I have never been stung by a bee.
  31. I have never broken a bone. (Except for the time I fractured my pinky finger in 7th grade and had to wear a splint. But I feel like that doesn't really count.)
  32. I've only driven (full-time) 4 cars in my life: a Ford Taurus station wagon, an 87 Honda Accord, a 96 Pontiac Bonneville, and a 2000 Honda Accord.
  33. The 2000 Accord is the only one with an actual car payment. The other 3 were family gifts (Thanks Diane, Nani, and Liane!). We still have the 87 Honda, but the Taurus and the Bonneville bit the dust. Hondas last forever.
  34. I was on the Quiz Bowl team in high school.
  35. My favorite college classes were English Grammar and Linguistics.
  36. I think it would be fun to be a linguist.
  37. I have had many many pets in my lifetime, but currently only have two cats: Obie and Mika.
  38. I married a cat lover. It was something we discussed on our first date. I'm glad we have that in common.
  39. I also married a messy person. I am also glad that we have that in common.
  40. I have split many verb phrases in this list. Thanks to Shannon, I no longer know whether or not that's wrong.
  41. Other than dental procedures (wisdom teeth out, root canals, etc.), I have never had surgery.
  42. I like to sew.
  43. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be grown-up. People told me that when I was grown-up, I would wish I was a kid again. They were wrong.
  44. I'm in a book club and I love it. Before book club, I read the same authors over and over. Book club has helped me branch out and discover other types of writing that I like.
  45. I wish there was something similar with music instead of books. I love music, but feel like I get into ruts.
  46. I used to love being online. It kind of drives me nuts now. I think it's because I sit in front of a computer all day at work.
  47. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
  48. According to Myers-Briggs, I'm an ISTJ (Introvert/Sensing/Thinking/Judging). According to the four temperaments, I'm a Melancholy/Phlegmatic.
  49. I'm feeling bored and restless, but my body hurts too much to move. I hate being sick. (as a hypochondriac, I realize the irony.)
  50. I started this list four days ago. (It says "posted 1/13 at 7:00 pm," but that's when I started it. It's actually 12:30 pm on 1/17)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I cover up the numbers on my clock, too! How weird.

Sorry about the verb phrases thing. I didn't make up the original rule, you know... it came with the job. I just changed it. ;P