Thursday, January 19, 2006

Okay, 50 more (Shannon made me)

Since Shannon called me a wuss for having a short list, here goes.

50 More Random Things About Me

(I have to start over at 1 because this stupid thing won't autoformat if I start at 51.)

  1. I can raise my left eyebrow by itself. (But I can't raise my right one.)
  2. I can bend my left thumb backward at a right angle. I'm not sure if this officially qualifies as a double joint, but that's what I told people when I was younger.
  3. When I was a kid, I couldn't drink diet pop because NutraSweet gave me migraines.
  4. I used to have a one-eyed cat named T.J. (But it wasn't short for anything)
  5. I don't have any full siblings, but I have three half-brothers and a half-sister. Two of the brothers I grew up with, the sister came when I was in college, and the other brother I used to see sporadically but lost touch with over the years.
  6. My mom walked me down the aisle.
  7. I thrive on habit and routine.
  8. Our cat Obie was named after a radio DJ.
  9. None of my mom's kids have names with more than 5 letters. She said she felt bad for the "Jennifer"s and "Christopher"s who had a harder time in kindergarten learning to write their names. She wanted to make it easier on us.
  10. I love coffee, and I'm very picky about it.
  11. I drink it quickly, because once it starts to get cold I can't stand it.
  12. I have to drink it with cream and sugar. Not milk, but cream. It doesn't matter whether the cream is powdered or liquid, just as long as it's not milk.
  13. I don't like it when they give me an unsolicited "refill" at restaurants, because it screws up my cream:sugar:coffee ratio.
  14. I bring my own coffee to work, even though it's available there (free!), because I hate Maxwell House.
  15. I keep powdered creamer in my drawer at work. This is because our office only has refrigerated half-and-half packages, and on the rare occassion that I should get a cup of work coffee, the cold creamer cools off the coffee too fast. I used to try to warm the creamer package under hot running water, but the powdered creamer is more efficient. (The sealed packages of half-and-half don't even require refrigeration, so this whole thing seems ridiculously unnecessary to me, but I do what I have to do.)
  16. At work, I drink my coffee in an extra-small mug. This is so I can finish it before it gets cold. (The closest microwave is down 2 floors and around the corner.)
  17. My favorite drink is water. (For real! Libby makes fun of me, but I've come to terms with it.)
  18. If I could set my own dress code, I would wear jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes to work every day.
  19. I only wear heels when I absolutely have to. Pantyhose, even less frequently.
  20. Dress clothes in general get in my nerves. Dressing for work is the very last thing I do before I leave in the morning, and changing my clothes is the first thing I do when I get home in the evening.
  21. I don't like beer. I've tried to like it, but I'm not there yet.
  22. One of my favorite snacks is a toasted English muffin with a slice of colby cheese. I ate it so much in college, Craig gave it a name: The Snack.
  23. In my marriage, I'm the checkbook-balancer and Craig is the bill-payer. We both like it this way.
  24. When I'm alone in the car, sometimes I like to sing really loud and pretend I'm at a karaoke bar.
  25. I've only done actual karaoke three times.
  26. Only one of those times was in a bar.
  27. I love reality TV. Craig hates most of it, however, so I don't watch it much. (Not that I can't, but when he's home I'd usually rather spend time with him doing something we both enjoy.) We do, however, watch American Idol together.
  28. Although I'm still a grammar nerd, I feel like my grammar intuition has gone dull since working for McGraw-Hill. (Isn't that ironic? Maybe it's just been since I started the TWE.)
  29. When I was younger (5th-6th grade-ish), I took modeling classes.
  30. I lived with my aunt and uncle in Michigan for a few months in the middle of 5th grade.
  31. I had a spiral perm in 1990.
  32. I went "stag" to my junior prom.
  33. I got glasses in 3rd grade.
  34. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 19, during the summer after my sophomore year in college.
  35. My first driver's license was a Michigan license.
  36. I had a paper route when I was in junior high.
  37. When we were kids, we had a Fisher Price blue plastic elephant slide in our backyard.
  38. We used to tip it upside-down and pretend it was a spaceship.
  39. My Aunt Diane and I have birthdays that are three days apart. We used to have combined birthday parties when I was little.
  40. I became a Christian when I was 14, during the summer after my freshman year in high school.
  41. My whole life changed that summer.
  42. I used to be a groupie for an old Christian band called The Waiting.
  43. I met a lot of friends through that band, including one who ended up being our wedding photographer.
  44. I think Microsoft Word's auto-correct has dumbed-down my spelling intuition.
  45. When I was in high school, my little brother (who was 10 or 11 at the time) were in a play together at my school. We played brother and sister.
  46. I was a 6th grade camp counselor three different times.
  47. When I was student teaching, I quit in the middle because it was too hard.
  48. I still wonder what might have happened if I would have stuck it out.
  49. I wonder how many grammatical errors I've made in this post.
  50. This time, it took me less than an hour to think of 50 things.


Shannon said...

Good job! I'd work on number 49 for you, but I already feel like my eyeballs are going to fall out from so much proofreading. :)

Anonymous said...

erin, great job, this is so much fun. yes, you have a very special demand from coffee. : )