Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I should be cleaning the house right now, but I'm stalling. Why is cleaning such a chore? Some people can apparently keep up with it throughout the week so they don't have to do a marathon overhaul the night before they're going to have company. I wish I could be that woman, but I don't think I'll ever be. God help us when/if we ever have children.

I'm also obsessed with changing my profile picture. I put together a couple memory book pages for a friend's birthday this weekend, and in the process of scanning a bunch of college pictures, I started thinking "Ooh, I could put that one on my profile.....or that one...hmm..."

Sensitivity quiz: on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all and 10 being extremely), how sensitive are you? (To clarify: by "sensitive," I mean sensitive about yourself, not toward other people. I've found that some people can be calloused toward others but still have their own feelings hurt easily--I'd call that inconsiderate, but probably still sensitive.)


Jules said...

I am so with you on cleaning. It's gotten so bad that I have a room that I keep shut when people are over. It's my storage room. I did go in and organize it the other day, but to the normal person, they would classify it as a mess. I just need someone to come in and clean for me once a week. I would so pay good money for that.

On the sensitivity thing I think I'd probably be about a 2 or a 3. I had an older brother, so I got made fun of a lot, and growing up, I was the good-natured klutz that everyone laughed at mainly 'cause I was laughing at myself. And when I say made fun of, I just mean teased and stuff. If someone were really mean or something, then that would be different. Anyway...that's all I got :)

Dena G said...

Well, I THOUGHT I was on a pretty even keel...sensitive to my own feelngs and those of others, but I've been told recently by a good friend that I think too much about myself and don't focus enough on others, so...maybe I'm not as balanced as I thought I was!

It's really shaken me--I KNOW I have days when my feelings are more easily hurt, but I don't think I live like that most of the time. I've always considered the hurts just part of the price I pay to live "transparently".

Scalewise...I'd probably give myself a 7, I guess.

Erin said...

Julie: you're doing pretty good if you only have to close one door when you have company. My entire second floor is typically off-limits!

Dena: Hey there overanalysis girl :) I think I'm definitely more like you in this category. I guess being sensitive doesn't necessarily mean being self-focused and putting your own feelings above others'. I mean, we all hope to become less self-focused as we grow, but that doesn't mean we all need to be a 2 or a 3 on the sensitivity scale. Being sensitive can be good--you obviously responded sensitively to your friend's comment to you, mulling it over and considering where you are and where you might need to grow. That's an amazing quality.

I think I'm probably about a 7, too (although Shannon will probably say I'm a 9 or a 10). I'd love to learn to be a sensitive person who stands on God's grace--someone with a soft heart who can take honest criticism for what it is and not have my sense of personal value shaken every time someone looks at me cross-eyed.

Shannon said...

I'm about a 4.

And Erin, I might have called you a 9 a few months ago, but now I agree with your 7. ;)

Anonymous said...

Erin, i absolutely agree with Shannon, you have changed so much by relying upon God's truths and grace. no longer the 9 ....down the ladder, but still as sensitive and true to your friends as always.