Friday, July 14, 2006


It's Friday. For some reason, I feel the need to update. It's been kind of a heavy-duty week, in terms of things happening in our lives and in the lives of people around us. The weekend is almost here and I'm tired.

Craig and I are going car shopping tonight. That's both fun/exciting and draining. The other day we spent 3 hours at the dealership. Hopefully we can spend less time there tonight.

Obie needs more surgery. That's a story in itself. Short version: the screw that the surgeon put in his ankle joint is bent and the ligaments aren't healing, so he's eventually going to need more surgery to permanently fix his joint. We're obviously asking a lot of questions and trying to get the hospital to take some responsibility for this, because this "additonal" surgery sounds like something they should have done when they cut him open the first time. In the meantime, however, Obie's walking around just fine and it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all yet, which is good. And his broken fibula is all healed, which is good. I'll post an updated picture of him soon. His hair is almost all grown back and he's back to his old self :)

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