Monday, February 05, 2007


Being sick is awful. I thought I was doing so well about being healthy--eating well, exercising, cutting out unhealthy habits--and yet, my stomach is very angry with me today. I got sick at work this morning (and I don't just mean feeling sick at work...I mean getting sick...possibly one of the most disgusting experiences of my life).

So right now I'm drinking some sleepytime tea and trying to go to bed so I'll feel better for tomorrow. Beth is coming to town, and we have plans, and no sickness is going to get in the way, darnit!

Oh, and sidenote--does anyone know where I can find edamame at the grocery store? Is it just with the produce, or is it someplace special?


Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

Feel better soon!

You should come to Tokyo to buy edamame. It's the best in the world! :)

Shannon said...

It's in the freezer with the frozen vegetables.

I'm sick, too. Different, though. The kind-of sore throat I've had for a week has finally manifested itself as a monster. Hence why I'm awake at 5:41 am drinking tea. I'm going to try to get to the dr today. *sigh* I'm so sick of the doctor.

Shannon said...

I hope you feel better! (Shannon too.) I'll make a mental note to stay out of your aisle for a little while. Getting sick is the worst, and I feel a cold creeping up.
And thanks for the comment. ;)