Monday, February 12, 2007

faithful (adjective)

Main Entry: faith·ful
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 obsolete : full of faith
2 : steadfast in affection or allegiance : LOYAL
3 : firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty : CONSCIENTIOUS
4 : given with strong assurance : BINDING [a faithful promise]
5 : true to the facts, to a standard, or to an original [a faithful copy]

So I'm learning a lot lately about what this means. Hanging in there. Sticking it out. With friends, with work. In the relationship arena, it's teaching me a lot about God and what he's like. What it looks like when he is faithful. When he hangs in there and sticks it out. With me.

I reread this recently. This story has stuck in my brain and forever seared a visual there--a picture of faithfulness.

"My publisher told me the story of a summer afternoon when he was driving along the New Jersey Turnpike. One hundred yards ahead in the same lane was a Lincoln Town Car. Tom was shocked when he saw the right rear door of the Lincoln, still moving at full speed, swing open. The passenger threw a collie onto the pavement. The dog hit the concrete and rolled into a ditch. Bleeding profusely, the collie got up and started to run after the car and the owner who had cruelly abandoned him. His relentless faithfulness was not conditioned or diminished by the abuse and callous disregard of his master.

The dogged fidelity of Jesus in the face of our indifference to his affection and our ingratitude for his a mystery of such mind-bending magnitude that the intellect buckles and theology bows in its presence. Humbly acknowledging our limitations, we are driven to the fervent prayer, 'Lord, I do believe! Help my lack of trust.'" (Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust)

That's crazy. Insane, even. Who would suffer that kind of treatment and remain loyal? No one with half a brain.

Still, that's who God is. Sometimes I think he's crazy, but I'm grateful. And somehow, it makes me want to do the same. To love people the same way. In a crazy, stupid way. Because it's kind of beautiful, but also because I almost feel like I have no other choice. I mean, I do, but I sometimes feel so grateful it's like I can't not try (in my ridiculous, fumbling attempts) to give it away. So yeah, I'm learning a little more what it looks like, and feeling more compelled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

faithfulness and loyalty are such strong strong ties. not emotions or feelings per say, but a chosen state of a relationship. i am thankful that you my friend are a faithful friend. thank you for trusting God and continuing to choose this big step evenn if it would be easier to say "eh, just forget it, this is too hard".