Saturday, September 24, 2005

Back to real life

Well, vacation is over and real life is back in full swing. For the first time (which I guess is a blessing), I brought work home that I really must get through before Monday. I'm trying to make it college again! I'm sitting in my jammies with my coffee at the computer, trying to rev myself up to get work done. Yay, isn't this great?!

Yesterday I came home from work to find that the kitten had peed in the papasan chair. Peed! In the suede chair! I don't know if this is a behavior issue or if I accidentally shut the basement door (she still hasn't quite gotten the hang of using the cat door to access the potty), so I'm trying not to get mad at her about it....but if anyone knows of any tips for cleaning pee out of suede, I'd appreciate them....ugh.

Now for something fun!....I got this from Apes. Comment with your name and I'll respond with...

1. something random about you.
2. what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. my first memory of you.
6. what animal you remind me of.
7. something I've always wondered about you.

I guess technically you're supposed to post this on your blog if I do this for you, but I won't place any stipulations on it. Post it if you like, but don't feel obligated.


Shannon said...

Do me! Do me! (Jen would)

Erin said...


1. You taught me "the fork method" of eating salad with the dressing on the side
2. The shana-na-na song (ShaNON)
3. fruity frozen drink flavored jello (as long as it's not BLUE!)
4. (so many to pick from!!) What's up, bichon? Jen likes old balls. I love it when the shark says "peanut butter." Dinosaur is mean, but kidney stones is getting much better. Foil is fun, especially when bichons are involved. "Get over here, bitches! I'm Kathy A..."
5. I probably met you on my first day of work, but I remember coming over to your cube every 5 seconds with all of my stupid proofing questions the first few weeks at McG-H.
6. a snuggly llama, of course!
7. Why don't you update your blog more often, you bum?

Anonymous said...


PS: I love that you check my xanga and respond so often :) I miss you!!!

Erin said...


1. You have the best laugh of anyone I know
2. My Fair Lady, because of the picture you used to have on your blog
3. Commons food-flavored jello
4. (don't know if I can top "Lochtehelptafeld"!) You would immediately know what I meant if I said "That's so 'Michael Brown' of you."
5. You and Emily coming to Bible study that first week of were both so quiet, I remember thinking afterward, "Great. They're never coming back." But then of course you DID come back, and to Fall Getaway, and I got to know you for the sweet-hearted girl (with the wild and crazy side) that you really are.
6. A little chipmunk or something, because they're so small and cute
7. Do you sing when you're by yourself in the car? You seem like the kind of girl who goes all-out when no one's looking.

Anonymous said...

Oh Erin, if you only knew....

There's nothing I love more than belting out a great song at the top of my lungs while I'm by myself in the car or shower. I've also been known to bust a move in my car - or in my classroom when I forget the kids are there. But on the dance floor? Never.

Another thing I'm really good at is making faces and studying my facial expressions in the mirror when no one is around. Kinda reminds me of that video they used to show at cru with the crazy mouth-exercise lady...

Anonymous said...

how about one more for a hobbit?

Erin said...


1. You're a fellow word nerd (the only person I've ever sat with and pored over the dictionary with, amazed and amused by definitions and synonyms. You're great!)
2. Moulin Rouge...especially if we ever get to watch it together!
3. Wine-flavored jello....either white zin or white merlot :)
4. What does "apathy" mean, anyway??
5. You came to home church with Jacob...we talked, and I thought, "wow, that girl is way too nice. I'll never be able to relate to her." Come to find out, we're way more alike than I imagined, and there's a lot more beneath the surface of Adrienne than what Adrienne lets on... :)
6. A deer...I don't know why
7. "What's she really thinking?..."