Thursday, September 01, 2005

silly photos

I was realizing that I have a lot of goofy closeup photos, mostly taken my my husband (including my profile pic--silly guy), and I thought it might be funny to post them here.

Top left to right:
-Is that Josh?
-Bryan eating a potato at Matt and Laura's wedding
-Baby Logan gets his first closeup

Bottom left to right:
-Chris Gleason smiling at softball
-My Blair Witch Project impression
-Craig showing off his tonsils...or something...

Give the man a camera, and there's no telling what he'll do with it.


Shannon said...


I spend every day very, very near to you.

But I have never seen your nose hairs before.

I think I liked it that way.

Erin said...

Did you just split an infinitive? Should that be "never have seen"? Shame on you.

Shannon said...


The grammar police turning on each other.

To what has the world come?