Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Forgive me if this ends up being rambly. I just got home from class, wired, not at all sleepy, and was all geeked up to sit downstairs in my jammies and watch the American Idol results show which I had faithfully set my VCR to record while I was out.

It did not record.

Apparently when the stupid thing tells you to "be sure to turn off the VCR after setting it to record," it means business. I did not turn it off. It did not record.

Maybe I need a Tivo more than I need an iPod.

Anyway, I am still wired and not at all sleepy and looking to kill some time before bed. So I thought I'd see about possibly updating this thing.

There hasn't been much to blog about lately. Well, that's not really true. There's been a ton going on, tons of exciting life things happening, but I guess I haven't wanted to bother with boiling it down and articulating it in blog language. But since I'm not sleepy and there's nothing else for me to do right now, maybe I'll try.....Our home church is splitting ("planting" is the favorable term, I think). Well, it's not exactly splitting...I think it's dangling. It's like a cell in that one stage of mitosis (the stage that looks like the floating boobs in the animation for our recent Biology book), where the two cells are still connected, but each has its own nucleus and it's just a matter of time. That's where we are right now. It's an awesome time. An exciting time. The home church model at Xenos (pronounced "ZEE-nahs") is designed with the intent to split--always with that intent--to make room for more growth. It's not a bad thing, not like a divorce or anything. It's an awesome thing, and it's kind of a big deal. It's especially a big deal in this case, because this split ("dangle," technically. We hope it will eventually be a full-fledged "split") does not follow the traditional model. Xenos is trying some new things, some more adventurous ministry things, and I guess you could call our group one of the pilots. Our new group will be much smaller than a traditional home church, and much of the planning that has gone into it has been much more outreach-focused than in the past. Not that its overall goal is any different, but I guess it's more focused in its makeup and demographic/geography. Anyway, that's it in a nutshell (ask me about it personally if you're confused/curious and want a more satisfying/detailed explanation).

So yeah, anyway, that's been on my mind and taking up some time and attention lately. Prayers are always appreciated, if you're a pray-er. Ministry is always an adventure, and right now I'm really trying to focus on keeping my relationship with God the main priority. I'm learning very quickly how easy it is to get swept up in all the busyness of ministry "stuff" and neglect that which is the beating heart and the life blood of all the work we do for God. Just being with Him and enjoying that relationship.


Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

I've never heard of a church doing the dangle/split before. On another more general note, it's so interesting to me how many people in the science department have such a strong faith. But, it always seems hidden. Then again, you might think the same about me.

Erin said...

Amanda! Where'd you pop up from? :) Where's your blog, girl? Good to see you!

It's funny to find another Christian coworker...after they've left! I found out the same thing about Rebecca Steelman. Crazy.

Anyway..."hidden"'ve got me thinking. I don't want to hide my faith, but I don't want to be off-puttingly outspoken, either. Who wants to be "one of those"? It's hard to find a balance, and those of us who have quieter personalities will probably tend more toward that extreme than the other. But I need to learn to lean against that. Deep thoughts...

Erin said...

...and I try to be sensitive to other people, where they are, and what they're more likely to respond to. Okay, I'm done now :) I want to see your blog!!!

Shannon said...

Erin! Are you calling me "one of those"?

Erin said...

Oh, for heaven's sake, no. There's a difference between being outspoken and obnoxious. I was talking about Mr. "I will not ask politely again to be taken off of this gay email list" kind of off-putting.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...hidden Christian coworkers. It is too bad we didn't all know the connection when we were all there, but yeah, how do you bring that up? Oh yeah, so the original reason I'm here...did you leave a comment on our Plano blog? I think you're the only Erin I know of, but wasn't sure. :) -Rebecca S.-

Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

Hey Erin! Glad you found me. I understand what you mean about being "one of those." And Shannon, you're definitely not one of those. :)