Friday, March 03, 2006

Status Reports

Okay, so I know that blogging specifically about work is supposed to be the big no-no, but I felt like such a corporate monkey today, it felt like a blog-able moment.

Filling out the weekly status report makes me feel like Peter in Office Space.

“Mmmmm….Erin…..what’s happening. Hey, did you get that email about the weekly status reports? Yeah, we’re supposed to be filling them out every Friday now….mmmm…yeah…no more waiting until Monday morning….”

“Yeah, I always do fill it out on Fridays, actually…Um, I’ll make sure I’m more careful about filling it out thoroughly, though….” 

“….So if you could just go ahead and do that before you leave today, that would be greeeeaaaaat….mmm kay? Thaaaanks….”

On top of getting those kinds of “reminders,” the other Office-Spacey thing is the fact that the status report document is more prone to error messages, technological difficulties, and computer-freezing mishaps than any other document I interact with on a regular basis. One of these error messages was so funny to me, it even made it on the department quote list:

The document ‘Status Report 12-17-05–High School.doc’ caused a serious error the last time it was opened. Would you like to continue opening it?” – Microsoft Word

But anyway. It’s the weekend now, and I’m officially going home.


Anonymous said... did you remember to fill out your TPS report or not?!?


Erin said...

Ha! Actually, I DID! Even though I had to do it today (Thursday), since I'm out of the office on Friday, the day of status reports...heehee...