Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stuff on my Cat(s)

Check out this Web site--what do you think? Could my kitties make it?


Anonymous said...

only if it is CSLewis...or someother author who has passed on. have you ever wondered why we have so many different ways of saying dead. dead is straight to the point, explains the physical state of the human body. there are no misconstued notions that perhaps, just perhaps the person may recover, or really they did just kick a bucket (perhaps all they really have is a broken toe)

Erin said...

Heehee...I think both of those authors are alive, actually. D.A. Carson is a big critic of the modern church, so hopefully he's not dead--otherwise, his critiques might not be very applicable or "modern"! The other book is also more current. I should have put Mere Christianity or something by A.W. Tozer on them...haha....

Shannon said...

I love it. I can't believe you got them both in the same shot! Definitely submit it.