Sunday, June 04, 2006


My friend Kelly's husband Erik passed away last night at 8:30 pm.

Read more about it on their website:

Please pray for Kelly and for their two young boys, Alex (2 1/2) and Jensen (10 1/2 months). My heart is grieving for them.

At the same time, however, there is a sense of peace and relief that Erik is finally free of pain and that his struggle is over.

Even in the midst of devastating pain, God is real and has been very obviously present in this situation over the past year and a half. Both Erik and Kelly have mentioned experiencing God more closely through this than ever before, and both of them have spoken with a strong assurance about God's goodness and realness, right in the midst of their suffering. Their faith is a strong testimony.

This is an amazing couple, and their lives have impacted more people than they probably realize. Kelly has been a friend to me and a comfort to me during difficult times of my own. Please pray for her and their boys now, that God would give her that same comfort in the midst of her grief right now.

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