Monday, June 19, 2006


My first year in college, my friend Leah and I used to play this daily email game where we'd ask each other "What did you thank God for today?" (WDYTGFT).

For a mel-head like me, it was a good game because it helped me focus on the positive things and it reminded me to cultivate a thankful attitude.

The other day I was talking to my aunt in California, and she's been trying to do something similar lately, to help her focus on the positive things in her life. As we talked, she'd randomly add to her pretend list of positive things. ("See, that's #847.") I've been in kind of a funk lately, so perhaps it would be good for me to practice thankfulness again. Here--I'll share from MY pretend list of the top 1000 things I'm grateful for. In no particular order:

#437. My (slowly healing) cat. This morning, before I shut him away in his jail cell, I was petting him on the bed. He was on his back, just purring and letting me rub his tummy. I love that.

#945. I have a good, reliable car. That's an easy thing to take for granted until you don't have it anymore. I've been there before, and I'm thankful I'm not there now.

#274. My husband. He's amazing.

#847. My job might not be perfect, but I have a lot of fun here. I've had jobs that I absolutely dreaded each morning, and this one's not like that (thank God).

#568. Little babies. I was playing with little Mary in the church nursery on Saturday night, and she just makes me smile. Babies are great.

#126. Music, including the random stuff my friends share with me (that I'd probably never encounter otherwise)....such as:
  • the random Coyote song ("Whoo-wup, whoo-wup, whoo-wup")
  • the entire CD of techno music (a'la Libby)
  • Jamie Cullum ("After years of expensive education, a car full of books and anticipation...I'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lot, but the world don't need scholars as much as I thought...." Thanks Shannon :))
  • the mix CD created entirely from "Track 5" songs from various albums, including a random song about returning a bag of groceries (thanks Adrienne :). I stick to my assertion that every #5 track on every CD is an extra-special song)

#1. I'm thankful for Jesus. Who knows who/where I'd be now if he hadn't found me that one summer.

#769. Summertime. Isn't it wonderful to walk into work in the morning without having to wear a coat? I feel 10 pounds lighter in the summer, probably just because of the clothing/outerwear factor. It's fabulous.

#391. Words. Reading them, hearing them, writing them, singing them. Words are fantastic.

Okay, now it's your turn--what are YOU thankful for today?


Shannon said...

I'm thankful for YOU. I have some great friends, but you're one of the only ones I trust with the inside scoop of my life--with feelings and hurts and things that scare me--and you're one of the only ones who gives sound advice whether it's what I hear or not.

I might have gone crazy today without your help.

love you! :)

Shannon said...

err... what I *want* to hear.

gross error. I did that for Libby. Well, not really. ;)

Erin said...

I noticed, but then I thought "well, maybe she meant to say "what i hear"...." But I guess that would have meant that you don't listen to what I tell you. And that's only partly true. ;)

I should start charging fees, seriously. And some people don't appreciate my input! They don't know what they're missing. Ha!

Just kidding. Thanks, ShanNON. I'm thankful for you too :)

Doc said...

I think I should start keeping a thankful list. I can't say that I've outright thanked God for anything lately, but I am thankful...for many things. It will be a long list. Thanks for sharing some of your list.