Saturday, February 03, 2007

delayed reactions

Certain things tend to "hit" me later than they hit the average person. I don't get excited about vacations until I'm in the car or on the plane. September 11th didn't hit me until about mid-afternoon.

My friend is moving away, and I started to feel sad tonight, in the middle of her goodbye party.

Other things, however, spark an immediate emotional reaction. I found something out tonight that made me pretty angry, for example. I'm now working on how I'm going to respond to it. I can't help how it made me feel, but I can choose what I'm going to do about it, whether I'm going to keep fueling it and potentially alienate someone over something that, in the long run, is not a huge deal.

Which reminds me...this morning I was reading Job chapter 1, and I was struck by Job's immediate reaction to some pretty devastating news. He didn't immediately react with anger or hostility (like I probably would have). Not sure what his secret was.

Anyway, I'm going to miss you, Bradley. It probably won't really hit until Monday morning, but still.


Shannon said...

Boo. :(

Brad better get on myspace so we don't lose her forever. :) Cute picture, by the way!

Anonymous said...

you are very contemplative Erin, i hope that your monday is going ok with the moving of your friend. and i hope that your saturday finding is finding peace and that you were able to talk to the person(s) involved. your friends love you.