Thursday, January 18, 2007

:) and :(

It's amazing the "fascinating" things one will think to blog about when she is procrastinating...

I know the week isn't over yet, but I'm getting a head start on the weekend.

Some things that irked me this week:

  • My car locks freezing shut, causing me to (1) bend (ie. ruin) my key and (2) snap off (yes, snap off) the door handle. It's been a cold week in Columbus.
  • Paying $20 at the vet for an unnecessary service that I had gone to passive-aggressive lengths to avoid. Half of me was irked at the swindling vet, the other half was irked at myself for not being more straightforward in turning down the unnecessary service.

Some things that made me smile this week:

  • This:

This is a doll Shannon made for me. It's supposed to be Maureen, my podmate (who is always joking that she thinks I must have a voodoo doll of her in my desk, because she says things to the boss like "Oh sure I'll do extra work, but only if you'll let me take it home with me." Her dedication makes the rest of us look like slackers). I pinned her for fun, but it just made me laugh because Maureen is the most likeable person I know, and even the doll is smiling and sweet-looking. This was a great source of amusement to me on Tuesday.

  • American Idol (although for the first time, I've been feeling sad for the sucky contestants, especially the one mother who went on and on about how much crap she's been through in life, and that singing is the only thing that's gotten her through it, and she started crying when she was talking about how amazing it feels "when people keep telling you that you're not good enough, and you realize that you ARE really good" [except that she wasn't, and they laughed at her, and it made me really sad])
  • Finding a period in the middle of a word at work. It was "" and I wielded my red pen and killed it. I don't know why (and I realize that the 99% of you who are not like me in my word-nerdiness will find this pathetic rather than cool), but finding stuff like that always makes me feel happy and like my work matters. I exist so that periods don't get published in the middle of words. That counts for something, right?
  • The cat nap that produced these pictures (man, sometimes I wish I'd been born a cat):

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The last one is the funniest to me--check out the smushed face and one-eyed, bored look.

Okay, enough procrastinating. Time to get some stuff done.


Unknown said...

I LOVE being a red-pen wielding warrior. Perhaps we are cut from the same nerd-cloth, but I love when I see a page full of mistakes to tackle/mark up. Proofing is fun. :)

Shannon said...

I feel so proud to have my first project posted for the world to see!
