- I love the show The Office, but I do not love the fact that my work life feels more and more like it every day.
- Stupid Grey's Anatomy made me cry tonight. Again. Stupid daddy scenes.
- I was on quotationspage.com tonight and this one made me laugh: "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." - Matt Groening
- So tonight my brother told me that every time I learn a new science fact at work, I'm supposed to call and tell him. Dude, that's every day. Here's one I keep seeing that makes me think of Heather: "The sunniest place in the United States is Yuma, Arizona, with an average of 4133 hours of sunshine per year." Huh! Who knew?
- In the next couple months I have to finish making one baby blanket and (at least) four baby pillows. I'm so lame/behind on my sewing/knitting/crocheting projects. If I've promised you something and not yet delivered, don't worry--it's not you, it's me.
- Tomorrow is the Friday before a holiday weekend, and therefore a get-out-of-work-early day for all MGH employees. This makes me happy.
- This weekend I'm doing some serious driving and party- (or shower-/wedding-) hopping. I can already hear "I Will Survive" playing...BG peeps, are you ready for some dancing? Oh, but I am...
That's all for now.
Thanks for ruining The Office for me. One of the cardinal rules of blogging is not to post spoilers of TV shows when MOST of the world has TiVo. GRRR!!! I'm so mad that I read this!!
And, I really hope they do let us out early, or you're going to be mad, since you've been expecting it all week. :)
*smacks self in head* You can hit me when you see me at work. I'm so sorry. I just edited it out, so hopefully I won't ruin it for anyone else. Don't know what I was thinking.
Oh, they will. Come on--have they ever NOT let us out early, in the nearly 4 years you've worked there? I love how we all still play the "if they let us out early" game, when it really is a given at this point.
And... they didn't.
Am I a fellow Office fanatic? Yes.
Well, I hope I didn't ruin the ending for you, too.
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